I heard a message yesterday from our own Robert "Smooth" Colbert during Smooth Talk, at which he spoke of who to say thank you to during this holiday week. He mentioned that in making his list he left off the God who has given us everything even though he often thanked him as usual on a daily basis.
Truth be told there are days where all of us forget to say thank you to Him. It is a cliche to say it but we take Him for granted just as we often do the generosity of others toward us. As I get older and closer to joining Him in heaven it has become easier for me to not only thank Him daily but to remember everyone who has joined us on this ATB journey. We pray for you, we are thankful for your love, prayers and support and we never forget where we came from. But it is clear that God has orchestrated our path, compelled you to be a part of us, and taken what we have and multiplied it to help so many others. The stepping stones to success are built on faith in the process and faith in those who fuel the progress. So we say today on Thanksgiving eve, Thanks for the Giving, you are a blessing, a treasure to us and a gift from God. And to Him who brings it all into the storehouse of His will for us, thanks for the ultimate giving of redemption that Jesus has provided, and the mercy and grace that comes from knowing Him. All of that is our Thanksgiving feast!
This blog title is one of great debate in the recovery community. First of all, anytime you give up a drug of choice that is destroying your life - bravo! That being said, there is a game called Domino's that has an effect on those words Clean & Sober.
Sobriety is the state of being sober which means according to Webster's not affected by alcohol; not being drunk. It also offers another definition of being temperate. But when we define Clean & Sober it comes out in today's street definition as the initial step into sobriety (clean), while sobriety only happens when a person begins to fully embrace their sober life (sober) and work on the underlying issues that fuel addiction. Here's where the Domino's come in. If you line them up on their ends (the domino's) and push one forward they all fall. So it is in today's world of extreme drugs and bombardment of alcohol ads. You are either clean & sober or you are not. One needs to be free of all mind altering substances (including energy drinks and vape store legal but harmful drugs) or the Domino's will eventually fall & cause a relapse. It starts with one. Doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I would say after seeing all those who return from a relapse - maybe 95%. Are you willing to take that 5% chance and possibly die from an overdose, or do you want to learn how to live sober? We have the Steps to work, meetings to attend but we also have a blueprint for success in Romans 12:2: Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world (the pressures to be like everyone else. those tempting ads, chasing the next high), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God". His will for sure is for us to think clearly, be strong and courageous, and to not be controlled by ANY mind altering substance. And the way to do it is to stay connected to Him in any and all circumstances so that we may feel the real presence of God that is the most natural high one could ever have. That's why they call Him the Most High, nothing else can replace Him! Tell me, what was the first thing you thought of when you saw the title of this blog? Me too, but looks and those thoughts can be deceiving in so many ways. Please, read on.....
When we think about the intricacies of God's creation on earth, the astonishing sights, wonders and amazing variety of people, animals, birds, insects and seasons - we must admit we have no way to figure out everything about God. We can certainly not create him in our image because our image is so limited while his is unending and unfathomable. Do you agree? Then say God is God and I am not. That question leads us to these three things to think about: 1. Am I locked up as to what I believe about God? 2. Is my heart locked up to receive love and grace and to forgive myself and others? 3. Is my mind locked up to a solution to my problems? Tough questions but God is more than able to assist in answering them all with you. You see, nothing can lock him up, and he certainly doesn't want his children to be. He demonstrated it in John Chapter 20 after his resurrection. His Apostles didn't believe he was back from the dead, they were afraid so they locked the doors in verse 19 for fear of the Jewish radicals. Despite the door being locked Jesus came and stood among them, And he said "Peace be with you". How did he get in? Remember nothing is impossible for God. Then in verses 24-26 he needs to prove to a doubting Thomas that he has in fact risen. Most of us focus on him showing the hands with the nail holes in them, but it also says, Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, peace be with you. There is no such thing as a heart he cannot penetrate, a situation he cannot help us conquer and certainly no theories that can change these amazing facts- he made us, he loves us and he wants nothing to get in the way between him and us. May peace be with you my friend as you read his words, not mine, and understand he never wants us to be locked up! |
Glenn YankowskiGlenn is an ex-Marine Viet Nam vet who is also a recovering alcoholic, clean and sober for 30 years. He has been involved in start up and ongoing recovery ministry at North Atlanta Church and Campus for the last two decades. He has a passion for outreach and to spread the message that the answer to lasting and fulfilling recovery from addiction is in a relationship with Jesus Christ. He and the ATB team are available to assist in your questions or needs on an individual basis and will do so maintaining complete confidentiality. You may e-mail him at [email protected]. Archives
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